Our discipleship pathway

Learn. Grow. Impact.

A series of courses to help you move from belief to action

Discipleship Pathway

Frequently asked questions

What courses can/should I take?

All of our courses are open to anyone! We recommend, but do not require, that you take the courses in order.

What is each course about?

Basics covers the basic tenets of our Christian faith. Our hope is this class will give you a solid foundation to build on and will help you start and cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus. Even if you have been a follower of Jesus for a while, you may learn something new!

Discover covers the history of Methodism and the structure of our church. Our hope is that Discover will help you connect to our larger history. If you sign up for the subsequent in-person component of Discover (our membership class), you will learn about how to get involved and plugged in to community at Alpharetta Methodist.

Imprint covers Spiritual Gifts and helps you learn how God has uniquely made you to have an impact on the world around you. Our hope is that Imprint will help you learn where you can serve in the church and community.

Witness covers the importance of sharing your faith story and helps you learn how to do so. Our hope is that Witness will give you the confidence and ability to make disciples in your own community.

How long will it take to go through a course?

The courses vary in length. You can see a projected time on the individual course pages, and we will update the estimate as more people finish the course. You can also estimate how long it will take to complete by looking at the course outline on the individual course page. You can start and stop at any time.

Who leads each course?

The videos in each course are done by various church staff at Alpharetta Methodist. The Basics course also features videos from outside sources, such as Seedbed and The Bible Project.

How can I talk with someone about what I am learning?

You can email Allison, Director of Discipleship and Connections at Alpharetta Methodist, at anye@amchurch.com to set an appointment.

Learn about us

Alpharetta Methodist is a congregation located in Alpharetta, GA. Our goal is to lead people into the transformation that comes from a life with Christ.

View our courses

Our courses help you move from belief to action.

Join us online

Our services are available live and via replay.

Visit us in person

We would love for you to come to one of our services. We offer traditional and contemporary services at 9 am and 11 am on Sunday mornings.

Want to learn more about our church?

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